In this Azure DevOps and Terraform blog, we will set up a self-hosted agent to deploy Terraform infrastructure.
Connect to Azure Linux Host Using SSH from VS Code
This blog post will show how to connect to a Linux VM running in Azure using SSH from Visual Studio Code (VS Code).
Login to Azure Linux VM Using Entra ID Creds
This Microsoft Azure and Entra ID blog post will show how to sign in to a Linux VM running in Azure using Entra ID credentials.
Add .NET 6 to PATH On Linux
This blog post will show you how to add .NET to your Linux PATH and set the OS to use the correct version.
Execute Multiple Commands On Linux Shell
The Linux shell is a text-based user interface that allows Linux users to execute commands in the Linux operating system. The Linux Shell can be accessed in different ways by logging into your Linux machine or opening up a terminal window on your desktop.
The Linux Filesystem: All You Need to Know
This blog file contains everything you need to know about Linux’s filesystem: how it works, what each directory does, and more.
How To Add a Permanent Path to the PATH in Linux Ubuntu
A Linux user’s PATH is a list of directories that the Linux system searches for executable programs. The default Linux PATH includes many standard utilities, but it does not include all of them. If you are using Linux Ubuntu, this article will teach you how to add a permanent path to your PATH in Linux Ubuntu.
Environment Variables and How to Print Them in Linux
This article will show you how to list and print environment variables in the Linux terminal. You can use this information to debug or figure out what is going on with your system when something isn’t working quite right.
Add a Function to .bashrc Profile in Linux
A Linux .bashrc profile is a file that is used to configure the system’s Bash shell environment.
How to Execute Multiple Commands in Linux Bash Shell at Once
When you’re in a hurry and need to execute multiple commands at once, it can be hard to type them all into the Terminal. Fortunately, there is an easier way!
List Hidden Files In Linux
Linux files and folders have a “hidden” attribute that is tied in with how they are displayed in directories. When a file or folder name is marked as hidden, it will not be visible when the user navigates to the directory containing it.
Open a Firewall Port On Linux CentOS 7
This post will show you how to open a firewall port of a Linux CentOS server using the command line.