This blog post will show you how to add Azure CLI Tab Completion for Windows PowerShell.
Azure CLI
List All Azure AI LLM Model List With Azure CLI
This Azure AI Services post will show how to use Azure CLI to list all the available LLM models in Azure using CLI.
Store Azure CLI Output as Variable
This Microsoft Azure CLI blog post will show how to store command output as variables.
Upload Multiple Files to an Azure Storage Account Using Azure CLI
This Azure CLI blog post will show how to upload multiple files from a folder to an Azure storage account using Azure CLI.
Assign Permissions to Key Vault using Azure CLI
In this blog post about Azure Key Vault and Azure CLI, we will show how to assign permissions to a key vault using CLI.
Create a Service Principal with Azure CLI
In this Azure CLI post, we will create an Azure Service Principal using the Azure CLI command line utility.
Use Postman With Microsoft Graph API
This blog post will show how to connect from Postman to Microsoft Azure Graph API and programmatically access Microsoft 365 and Azure resources.
Create Azure App Registration Using Azure CLI
This blog post will show how to create an Azure App Registration using Azure CLI for Microsoft Intune.
How to Use If Conditions with Azure CLI
In this blog post, we will explore how to use if conditions in Azure CLI scripts to enhance their functionality and make them more flexible.
How to List All Storage Accounts in an Azure Subscription Using Azure CLI
In this blog post, we will go through the steps required to list all storage accounts in an Azure subscription using Azure CLI.
How to Assign an AIM Role to a Storage Account on Azure using Azure CLI
In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the process of assigning an AIM role to a storage account using the Azure Command-Line Interface (CLI). This will enable you to securely and efficiently manage access to your storage accounts.
Saving Azure CLI Command Output to a Variable and Using It Later
In this blog post, we’ll walk you through how to save the output of an Azure CLI command to a variable and use it later in both Command Prompt and Bash.