Install AWS CLI on Ubuntu 20.04

In this blog post, we will learn how to install the AWS CLI command-line utility on Ubuntu 20.04 server.

In my case, I have not changed the default configuration of OS or settings.


If you check the AWS documentation, you will see that AWS doesn’t recommend installing the package in a specific location. In this post, I will create a hidden directory called .aws and install the CLI into it.

Create Directory

Let us start with creating a new directory called .aws in our come directory.

mkdir .aws

Install Unzip

Next, we need to install unzip in order to extrect the CLI. use the following command to install unzip.

sudo apt install unzip

Download and Unzip AWS CLI

Now, let’s download the CLI using the following command. Please make sure you download it to the .aws directory.

sudo curl "" -o ""

When the download is completed unzip the file.


Install and Test

The final step is to install the AWS CLI using the following comamnd.

sudo ./aws/install

By default AWS will install the CLI in the following path.


To check the AWS CLI version type:

aws --version