Amazon Web Services offers a wide range of features and services. There are a set of regions in which a company can deploy a service or use it from the Cloud. These include US East 1, US West 1, US West 2, Europe North 1, Europe South 1, Asia Pacific South East 1, Asia Pacific Southeast 2.
Find AWS Regions With The AWS PowerShell Module
In this blog post, we will show you how to get a list of all the AWS regions using the AWS PowerShell module to help you automate and codify some of your AWS infrastructures.
How To Use PowerShell to Manage AWS Resources
If you already know how to use PowerShell and use it every day why not using to manage AWS instead of using AWS CLI.
Use PowerShell to Manage AWS
AWS Tools for PowerShell can make managing AWS easier. AWS Tools for PowerShell is a set of PowerShell cmdlets that provide the ability to manage AWS cloud resources using Windows PowerShell. Use standard Windows PowerShell features, including modules, automatic type checking, and formatting Cmdlets to create scripts for AWS administration.
Create an AWS IAM User With Terraform
Manging AWS IAM users accounts is an important task of any organisation that runs workloads in AWS, and today, we will create an IAM account using Terraform.
Create a Security Group on AWS with Terraform
This AWS and Terraform blog post will show how to create a security group using a Terraform configuration code.
Enable Terraform Remote Backend on AWS S3
When working in a team environment with multiple DevOps engineers or developers it is highly recommended to use a remote backend.
Create a PostgreSQL DB on AWS With Terraform
PostgreSQL is one of the most powerful and widely used databases in the world. This post will show how to create one on AWS with Terraform.
Find AWS S3 Bucket Size Using AWS CLI
This blog post will show you how to find the size of an AWS S3 bucket size using AWS CLI.
Create a Windows EC2 VM on AWS With Terraform
In this Terraform blog post, we will learn how to create a Windows Server 2019 Datacenter edition EC2 virtual machine on AWS using a Terraform configuration code.
How to Get an AWS Public Key from a Private Key
If you create an SSH key using the AWS management console, you have probably noticed that the public key is not available to download.
Create MySQL DB on AWS With Terraform
AWS Managed relational database service (RDS) offer multiple databases option, and one of these options is MySQL.