How To Install Microsoft Teams Beta PowerShell Module

In this blog post, I will show you how to install the Microsoft Teams Beta PowerShell beta module

About Beta Version

The beta version offers more cmdlets that allow more features and functionality in Teams,

Update Repository

Register-PSRepository -Name PSGalleryInt -SourceLocation -InstallationPolicy Trusted

Install latest Beta version

To check the latest version of Microsoft Teams Beta PowerShell module, visit the following website.

Since version 1.0.21 is the latest, I will install it using the following cmdlet:

install-Module microsoftteams -RequiredVersion 1.0.21

After I installed the module, I will check it using the cmdlet below:

Get-Module microsoftteams -ListAvailable

To use the latest version, reload the PowerShell console.

Success! You're on the list.

1 thought on “How To Install Microsoft Teams Beta PowerShell Module”

  1. It gives an error when I run the Register-PSRepository commnad complaining about the Web URI:
    Register-PSRepository : The specified Uri ‘’ for parameter ‘SourceLocation’ is an invalid Web Uri. Please ensure that it meets the Web Uri requirements.

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