In this blog post, we will show how to generate a resource name for a resource with Bicep randomly.
How To Use Variables in a Bicep Tempate
In this article, we will show you how to use variables in a Bicep template. Variables are a great way to keep your templates organized and easy to edit.
How to Deploy a Bicep Template
This blog post will show you how to deploy a Bicep template to Microsoft Azure using Azure CLI.
How to Create a Bicep Template With VS Code
In this post, we will show how easy it is to define and build Bicep templates with VS Code Bicep extension.
Set Resource Group Location In Bicep
This blog post will show you how to set a resource group location inside a Bicep deployment using a built-in function.
Create Azure Resource Group With Bicep
Deploying a resource group to Azure might be a simple task using Azure CLI, The portal or Azure PowerShell but not with Bicep.
Why Use Bicep And not Terraform in Azure
This blog post will go over the four main reasons why it is a good idea to use Bicep over Terraform in Microsoft Azure.
Create Azure Container Registry With Bicep
In this blog post we will show how to create an Azure Container Registry (ACR) using Bicep declarative.