If you would like your iPhone to remember the last song playback position, you need to configure your ITunes to remember the last song playback position.
Question: How To Install Office 2013 Administrative Template files (ADMX/ADML)
This guide will show you how to install the Office 2013 Administrative Template on a DC and configure group policy based on the template.
Question: How Configure Software File associations Using Group Policy
Using group policy you can configure specific file extension to be open with specific applications.
Question: How To Block Google Chrome Using Group Policy
The KB below will show you how to block Google from users that tries to install and from users that already installed Google Chrome.
How To Use mstsc /admin To Log On to RDS Server
If your RDS servers are Grouped in a collection you and you need to log on to one of them directly you will need to use the mstsc /v:server /admin switch.
Question: Give Users Permissions To Log Off Sessions From RDS \ Terminal Servers
In windows server 2008 \ 2012 we can give non admin users permission to log off RDS sessions from the Terminal server (RD Session Host).