Create a Windows 10 Virtual Machine on Azure With Ansible

This blog post will show you how to use an Ansible playbook to create a Windows 10 virtual machine on Microsoft Azure.

Azure and Ansible

If you use Azure and use Ansible, you can create, manage, and delete resources on Microsoft Azure with Ansible.


The following playbook will create a Windows 10 virtual machine on Microsoft Azure. The playbook will create a resource group called WSL. Make sure you set a login password to the VM before you run the playbook.

Once you run the playbook it will take betweeb 2 to 4 minutes for Ansible to provision the new VM.

- name: Create a resource group
  hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  gather_facts: no
    - name: Create a resource group
        name: WSL
        location: westus
          Environment: PROD

    - name: Create a virtual network
        resource_group: WSL
        name: wsl_network
        address_prefixes: ""
    - name: Create a subnet
        resource_group: WSL
        virtual_network: wsl_network
        name: hosts
        address_prefix: ""

    - name: Create a public IP address
       resource_group: WSL
       allocation_method: Static
       name: windows10-pub-ip

    - name: Create a Network Security Group and Open RDP port
        resource_group: wsl
        name: wsl_nsg
          - name: RDP
            protocol: Tcp
            destination_port_range: 3389
            access: Allow
            priority: 100
            direction: Inbound 

    - name: Create a virtual network interface card
        resource_group: wsl
        name: wsl_nic
        virtual_network: wsl_network
        subnet: hosts
        public_ip_name: windows10-pub-ip
        security_group: wsl_nsg            

    - name: Create a VM with managed disk 
        resource_group: WSL
        name: windows10
        admin_username: azureradmin
        admin_password: SETPASSWORD
        managed_disk_type: Standard_LRS
          offer: windows-10
          publisher: MicrosoftWindowsDesktop
          sku: 20h1-pro
          version: latest
        vm_size: Standard_D4
        os_type: Windows
        network_interfaces: wsl_nic

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