How To Comment Code In Python

In this blog post, I will show how to comment on multiple or single lines of code in Python programming.

Commenting code in Python is essential for maintaining readability and manageability, especially in collaborative environments.

Python provides several ways to add comments to your code. Single-line comments start with the hash symbol # and extend to the end of the line.

This type of comment is ideal for brief explanations or temporarily disabling code.

Multiline comments, often used for more detailed explanations, are enclosed in triple quotes (''' or """).

Although technically, these are string literals and not formal comments, they are commonly used as such when not assigned to a variable.

Effective commenting in Python not only clarifies the purpose and logic of the code but also aids in debugging and updating the code in the future. By strategically using comments, developers can make their code more understandable and accessible to others, enhancing collaboration and efficiency.

How To Comment Code In Python (Multiple or Single Lines)

Commenting code is very useful when we write Python code as we add or remove features from our program.

Multiple lines of code commenting

For me, commenting on multiple lines of code is very useful because sometimes I like to remove blocks of code when I try new things.

Below is an example of how we comment on multiple lines of code.

We simply use """

Single Line of code commenting

Inline commenting

We can also add a comment after a line of code by placing the pound sign after the code, as shown below.

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