Route AWS Route 53 Domain to An S3 Static Website

In this blog post, I will show you how to route a top-level domain hosted on AWS route 53 to a static website hosted on S3.

Hosting static websites on and an S3 bucket is convenient and require almost zero maintenance; however, hosting a static website without a top-level domain is not very useful.


AWS has specific needs when it comes to routing and Route 53 domain to an S3 static website.

The main requirement is:

The S3 bucket name must be the same as the domain name.

In my case, my domain name is, and the bucket name is

The main requirement is:

The S3 bucket name must be the same as the domain name.

In my case, my domain name is, and the bucket name is

Get Started

Below, you can see the bucket name and the static website (to create a static website hosted on S3 visit my previous article).

I named the S3 bucket with the same name as the domain.

Next, I will create an A record that points the S3 static website.

In the A record setup page, I will name the A record with the same name as the Static website.

To select the Static website, I will use the Alias Target option and select the S3 website endpoint.

As you can Route 53 is smart enough to find the corresponding static website in S3.

Below, you can see the Hosted Zone entry for the static website.