Connect to Azure Container Registry ACR) Directly from VS Code

In this blog post, I will show you how I use Visual Studio Code (VS Code) to connect to my Azure Container Registry and manage Container images directly from VS Code without login into the Azure Portal.

In the last two years, Microsoft VS Code has become the leading IDE for application and Container management tool and using it to manage VS code is another significant improvement.


To connect to Azure ACR or other registries, you will need to install the Docker Extension for VS Code which I blog about before on my Containers blog.

Get Started

From the Docker Extension for VS Code, I will use the Registries section and click on Connect Registry…

From the Select Registry menu, I click on Azure

Back in the Registries section, I will click on the Install Azure Account Extension option as shown below.

I will follow the installation process which will take one minute to complete.

Once completed, I will see the Sign in to Azure… option under the Registries section.

The sign-in process will verify my ID and connect me to all the Registries I have access to in Azure.

As you can see below, I can see all my Azure Subscriptions and the ACR I have in each one.

If I drill down, I can see my Registry and the Images I have in each one.

Using the right-click menu, I can Delete images and download them directly from VS Code.