How to Deploy an Application to Azure Kubernetes Service in 5 Easy Steps

Deploying an application to the Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) is a simple process that can be completed in five easy steps.

. In this blog post, we will walk you through each step so that you can deploy your own applications with ease. AKS is a managed Kubernetes service that makes it easy to create, manage, and scale clusters of Kubernetes nodes.

Step One: Create an AKS Cluster

The first step in deploying your application to AKS is creating a cluster. You can create a new AKS cluster by using the Azure portal, az command-line interface (CLI), or PowerShell. In this example, we will use the Azure CLI. To create a new AKS cluster, run the az aks create command. This command will prompt you for the following information:

– Resource group name: The resource group is used to contain all of the resources related to your AKS cluster, such as the VMs and storage accounts.

– Name of AKS cluster: This is the name of your AKS cluster.

– Location: The location of your AKS cluster.

az aks create \ --resource-group myResourceGroup \ --name myAKSCluster \ --location westus

For more details visit this post.

Step Two: Add Nodes to the AKS Cluster

In order to deploy applications to AKS, you will need at least one node in your cluster. You can add more nodes to your AKS cluster by using the az aks add-node command. This command will prompt you for the following information:

– Name of AKS cluster: The name of the AKS cluster you are adding nodes to.

– Node count: The number of nodes you want to add to the AKS cluster.

az aks add-node \ --resource-group myResourceGroup \ --name myAKSCluster \ --node-count=1

For more about how to add a new node visit this post.

Step Three: Deploy Your Application to the AKS Cluster

Now that you have an AKS cluster with at least one node, you are ready to deploy your application. You can deploy your application to AKS by using the az aks deploy command. This command will prompt you for the following information:

– Name of AKS cluster: The name of the AKS cluster you want to deploy your application to.

– Application image: The image of your application.

– Deployment configuration file: The deployment configuration file for your application.

az aks deploy \ --resource-group myResourceGroup \ --name myAKSCluster \ --image myImage:v

Step Four: Expose Your Application to the Internet

After you have deployed your application, you will need to expose it to the internet so that users can access it. You can expose your application to the internet by using the az aks expose command. This command will prompt you for the following information:

– Name of AKS cluster: The name of the AKS cluster you want to expose your application to.

– Public IP address or DNS name: The public IP address or DNS name for your application.

az aks expose \ --resource-group myResourceGroup \ --name myAKSCluster \ --type LoadBalancer

Step Five: Test Your Application

Now that your application is deployed and exposed to the internet, you can test it to make sure it is working as expected. To test your application, simply send a request to the public IP address or DNS name that you specified in step four.