How to Add a Feature Branch to Your Azure DevOps Pipeline

Do you want to add a Feature Branch to your Azure DevOps Pipeline? This blog post will show you how! Feature Branches allow you to isolate changes and experiment with new code without affecting the main branch.

They are an essential part of any agile development process. In this tutorial, we will show you how to add a Feature Branch to your Azure DevOps Pipeline using the Azure Pipelines web interface. Let’s get started!

Add Feature Branch

We can add feature branches to Azure Pipelines by modifying the azure-pipelines.yaml file either on source code editor like VS Code or the YAML pipeline editor available from the Azure DevOps portal.

In the azure-pipelines.yaml add the – feature/* line under the – master branch as shown below.

- master
- feature/*

If you are using the portal the change will look like this.

About git feature branch

Git Feature branch is a branch that is used to add new features to a project. It is often created off of the main branch and can be merged back into the main branch when the feature is completed. The branch can be checked out to work on the new feature and then checked back in when it is completed. This allows for the main branch to remain stable while new features are being added.

When creating a feature branch, it is important to give it a descriptive name. This will help you and others know what the branch is for. It is also helpful to create a pull request for your branch so that others can see what you have been working on and provide feedback.

When the feature is completed, it can be merged back into the main branch. This will merge all of the changes from the feature branch into the main branch. It is important to make sure that all of the tests are passed before merging to avoid any problems.

About azure pipelines

Azure Pipelines is a continuous integration and delivery service in Azure. It enables you to automatically build, test, and deploy your software projects hosted in Azure or on-premises. You can use Azure Pipelines to automate the process of bringing your code from version control into a release pipeline where it can be deployed to staging or production environments.

You can use Azure Pipelines to build and test software projects that are hosted in Azure, on-premises, or in other public clouds. You can also use Azure Pipelines to automatically deploy your software projects to staging or production environments.

Azure Pipelines is a part of the wider Azure DevOps suite which includes other services such as Azure Boards, Azure Artifacts, and Azure Test Plans.

To get started with Azure Pipelines, you first need to create a pipeline. A pipeline is a collection of tasks that are executed in order to produce or test software. Tasks can be anything from compiling code to running tests.