3 Reasons To Use And Learn Kubernetes

Kubernetes is an open-source platform that automates container operations such as deployment, scheduling and scalability across a cluster of nodes. It was built by Google, based on their experience with containers over the last 10+ years.

This article will discuss three key benefits to using Kubernetes in particular rather than another solution.

Kubernetes is a container orchestration service that may manage clusters of Linux containers ranging from one to many hundreds of thousands. Kubernetes draws on Google’s 15+ years of management experience with production applications, as well as the best ideas and methods from the community. A multinational team of Google, Red Hat, Twitter, and Kuber

1. It is open-source

Kubernetes was made with the main benefit of providing a stable Kubernetes software to run containers. It was built by Google, but it’s completely open-source, which means anyone can see the code, make changes and even submit them to Kubernetes for approval. They are flexible about which organisations contribute or use Kubernetes.

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) manages the Kubernetes project. Kubernetes is an open-source project with no single owner. Anyone can write code for Kubernetes and propose change requests, which Kubelet contributors examine for potential incorporation into the source code.

2. Kubernetes understands the role of each service

Another benefit to Kubernetes is that it knows how important services interact and what their roles are, for example, Kubernetes knows that a database needs to communicate with a load balancer through a private IP, but can’t communicate with any other services. Kubernetes will make sure these rules are adhered to and the service only communicates with those who need to talk to it.

3. Kubernetes is highly scalable

Kubernetes has been built to scale from a single node all the way up to thousands, Kubernetes can do this as it knows how each container interacts with each other and therefore can make instructions accordingly. Kubernetes will also detect if a service isn’t responding and restart that service without human intervention. Kubernetes can also load balance based on service needs, Kubernetes knows that some services just need to be available at all times and others are more important than others so it will direct traffic accordingly for the best user experience.

Kubernetes provides this scaling feature with its Kubernetes Master, which is the main hub for Kubernetes to communicate and from here the Kubernetes Dashboard can be controlled. The Kubernetes Service Cluster is responsible for allowing Kubernetes to scale across multiple nodes/computers and manage replication of the Kubernetes resources. Kubernetes can also load balance based on service needs, Kubernetes knows that some services just need to be available at all times and others are more important than others so it will direct traffic accordingly for the best user experience.


Kubernetes provides this scaling feature with its Kubernetes Master, which is the main hub for Kubernetes to communicate and from here the Kubernetes Dashboard can be controlled. The Kubernetes Service Cluster is responsible for allowing Kubernetes to scale across multiple nodes/computers and manage replication of the Kubernetes resources. Kubernetes can also load balance based on service needs, Kubernetes knows that some services just need to be available at all times and others are more important than others so it will direct traffic accordingly for the best user experience.

Kubernetes is open-source software and has been built to scale from a single node all the way up to thousands. Kubernetes can do this as it knows how each container interacts with each other and therefore can make instructions accordingly. Kubernetes will also detect if a service isn’t responding and restart that service without human intervention.