Install .NET 5 With Microsoft Winget

Using Windows Package Manager (Winget) to manage applications has made the process lifecycle application much smoother and more manageable.

With Winget, we can download, update and delete applications from a Windows 10 machine from the command-line without opening the Windows control panel or browsing to download sites.

Install .NET

In our case, we will install Microsoft .NET 5.0 SDK on a Windows 10 machine using Winget.

To get started, open the PowerShell console and type the following command to search for the .NET package.

winget search dotnet

From the results output field, the official package downloads it with this command.

winget install Microsoft.dotnet

Then after running the above command, Winget will first download the application. The next step will prompt you to install the application and customize the install, as shown below.