How to Roll Back a Deployment in Kubernetes

This blog post will show you how to roll back a deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using kubectl.


When working with Kubernetes, the preferred method of object deployment is to use deployment because it allows managing releases in versions.


In my case, I have a deployment that I updated with a new image, as I showed in the previous article.

To roll back the deployment, I will start by checking the deployment history using the following command.

kubectl rollout history deployment nginx-deployment

Below you can see the output of the command. It also important you use annotations to add details to the deployments.

 6         Update to 12 pods
 7         Update to nginx version 1.19.7

From the status output, I will note the revision number of the deployment I would like to roll back to and run the following command.

kubectl rollout undo deployment nginx-deployment --to-revision=7

From here, Kubernetes will roll back the deployment.


Another option is to undo a deployment of the previous version using the undo option which doesn’t require to specify a revision number.

kubectl rollout undo deployments nginx-deployment

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