Set The Time Zone With PowerShell

In our Friday blog post, I will show you how to set the Time Zone on your Windows Server or Windows 10 machine with PowerShell.

PowerShell 7

In this post, I will use PowerShell 7 however, this cmdlet should work on PowerShell 5.1. My recommendation is that you use PowerShell 7 as earlier version are not actively supported.

List Time Zones

Before we can set the time zone, we need to first get the list of available time zones and their name. This will help us find the time zone we need to set and use it to set it. To get a list of all the time zones run the following cmdlet.

Get-TimeZone -ListAvailable

Set Time Zone

To set the time zone using PowerShell, I will use the following cmdlet. Note that I’m setting the zone using the Name option however you can also set it using the ID option.

set-timezone -name E. Europe Standard Time -PassThru

Success! You're on the list.