In this blog post, I will show you how to create multiple Office 365 users with PowerShell and a CSV file.
Recently, I have shown you how to create an Office 365 user with PowerShell and now it is time to move to the next level and show and deal with a use case where you need to create multiple users.
The code that will create users is using a CSV file (shown below) that set a password however the last line will in code forces the user to change his password when her first log on to Office 365.
user,displayname,upn,nickname,password NTTest01,NT Test 01,nttest01@domain.local,nttest,password NTTest02,NT Test 02,nttest02@domain.local,nttest,password
Once you fill in the CSV file, Install and connect to Azure AD using the following cmdlet.
install-module azuread
After connecting, run the code below which will create the accounts.
$users = import-csv 0365_users.csv foreach ($user in $users) { $newpassword = convertto-securestring $user.password -AsPlainText -Force $PasswordProfile = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordProfile $PasswordProfile.Password = $user.password New-AzureADUser -DisplayName $user.displayname -PasswordProfile $PasswordProfile -UserPrincipalName $user.upn -AccountEnabled $true -MailNickName $user.nickname -verbose set-azureaduserpassword -objectid $user.upn -password $newpassword -ForceChangePasswordNextLogin $true -verbose }