Change Office 365 User Details With PowerShell

In this blog post, I will show you how to change the details on an Azure Active Directory user using PowerShell.

Azure Active Directory PowerShell Module

Changing user details with Azure AD PowerShell is useful in case, you would like to manage Azure from PowerShell and also standardise your operating procedures.

In the blog post, I will use Azure AD PowerShell module which you can install using the following cmdlet from a Windows 10 machines.

install-module azuread


In the code below, I am changing the city, country, job title and department using PowerShell.

Set-AzureADUser -ObjectId "nttest@domain.local" -City "New York" ` -Country "United States" -JobTitle "DevOps Engineer" -Department "IT" 

In my next, post I will show you how to change users details for multiple users using PowerShell and a CSV file.

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