Get a List Of Disabled or Enabled Azure Accounts With PowerShell

In this blog post, I will show you how to get a list of disabled or enabled accounts in Microsoft Azure using PowerShell.

Azure PowerShell

For this demonstration, I will use PowerShell 7, which is supported by Azure PowerShell and is a cross-platform module, which means you can run it on Linux, macOS and Windows.

Azure Active Directory

To manage Azure Active Directory with the Azure PowerShell, I will use the Get-AzADUser cmdlet, which allows us to manage Azure AD without the Azure AD PowerShell module unless you need to license a user.


To install the Azure PowerShell module, use the following cmdlet.


To connect to Azure AD and Azure, run the following cmdlet.

Get a List Of Disabled or Enabled Azure Accounts With PowerShell

To list enabled Azure users, I will run the following cmdlet.

List Disabled Users

To list all the disabled users in Azure, run the following cmdlet.

close up photo of programming of codes
Photo by luis gomes on

Success! You're on the list.