Update a Terraform Deployment In AWS

In this blog post, I will show you how to update a Terraform deployment in AWS.

If you remember, In the previous post, I created an EC2 instance using Terraform.

The objective now,  is to add a name tag to the instance.

Before update

Below, you can see the code before the update, it is a simple code that create an instance.

# Provider configuration 
provider "aws" { 
region = "ap-southeast-2"
# Resource configuration 
resource "aws_instance" "CentOSEC2" { 
ami = "ami-000a59677875221a3" 
instance_type = "t2.micro" 
key_name = "linuxec2"

As you can see below, the instance has no name and I will fix it.

Update Process

Below, is the updated code with and addition of a tags section.

The instance name will be CentOS VM.

# Provider configuration
provider "aws" { 
region = "ap-southeast-2"
# Resource configuration 
resource "aws_instance" "CentOSEC2" { 
ami = "ami-000a59677875221a3" 
instance_type = "t2.micro" 
key_name = "linuxec2"
tags = {
    Name = "CentOS VM"

Plan and Update

I will save my code and and test it using the following line.

terraform plan


To update the instance, I will run the apply command which will update the name of the instance.

terraform apply

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