In this blog post, I will show you how to install Terrafrom on a Windows 10 machine.
About Terraform
Terraform is an open source multi cloud Infrastructure as a Code (IaC) tool.
Important: It is highly recommended you install Terraform on Windows 10 using Chocolatey.
Note: To install Terraform on Linux visit this post.
Using Terraform we can deploy, modify and delete workloads in Azure, AWS and GCP.
The key benefit of Terraform is automation and reusability of code to provision and de-provison resources.
Download and Save
To download Terraform, go to the website below and download the windows vewrsion.
Save the file.
Unzip the file to c:\terraform.
Below you can see the Terraform application.
Add to PATH
For Terraform to work, we need to add the path below to the Windows PATH.
Open Control Panel -> click on Systems -> Click on Advanced tab.
From the Advanced menu, click on Environment Variables
From the User variables section, Click on Path
Add the following path
Restart you command line tools or VS code and type