Run LCOW With Windows 10 1709 and Docker 18.02 Edge

A few days, Ago I told you about the release of Docker For Windows 18.02 and today I’ll show how easy it is to run Linux Containers on Windows with 18.02


Running LCOW on Windows comes with a few requirements that we must make sure are met, and they are listed below:

Docker For Windows Edge Chanel with 18.02.0-CE-WIN52

Windows 10 1709 (1703 will not work)

4GB Of RAM on the machine


Below you can see my Docker version

Download Linux Image

At this stage of the release, we need to use –platform Linux switch to tell docker we want to download a Linux Image.

Note: the above switch is only used to download Linux images but not run the Linux containers.

To Download the Linux alpine Container Image, I’ll use the code below:

docker pull --platform linux alpine

Using the command below, I’ll spin a Linux container and run the top command

docker run -it --rm alpine

And below you can see the Linux Image on my machine.

Windows Containers

Next, I’ll pull the Windows Nano Server 1709 Image using the line below

docker pull microsoft/nanoserver:1709

Next, I’ll start my Windows Container

docker run -it --rm microsoft/nanoserver:1709

And now, I have Windows and Linux Containers running side by side.


Running LCOW on Windows 10 becomes easier and seamless from every release and it looks like we will see GA In the next few months.