Deploy Kubernetes Applications with Visual Studio Tools

Last week, the Microsoft Visual Studio team released the Visual Studio Kubernetes Tools for development of containerized applications for Kubernetes.

Using the Tools, Visual Studio can create the configuration file as DockerFile or Helm charts and publish the application directly from VS to Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) cluster.

To publish the app to AKS, you will have your AKS cluster setup for more details visit my article about setting up AKS cluster in Azure.

Get Started

To get started, I have Visual Studio Installed on my machine and Docker for Windows Edge channel with Kubernetes enabled.

Next, I will install the Visual Studio Kubernetes Tools

Once Installed I will open Visual Studio and create a new project.

Create Kubernetes Project

From the new project menu, I will select the Container Application for Kubernetes from the Cloud section

After I click OK, I will have the option to select what kind of application I need to deploy

To Publish applications to Azure AKS, I will right click on the Solution and select Publish

I will need to create an Azure Container Register or use an existing one

One created, I am ready to publish my application to AKS

Now, All I need to do is click on deploy

 About AKS

Released a few weeks ago and currently, in public preview, AKS offer a managed Kubernetes cluster that can be scaled up and on demand without needing to configure Containers, host, storage networks etc.

About Kubernetes

Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling and management of containerized applications that was originally designed by Google and donated to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation.

This article was first published on