Part 8: Find Open Ports And Port Mapping On a Docker Container

In this article, I’ll show you how I check which port or ports are open on my Windows Container using Docker.

The Docker Engine for Windows was released In late October 2016 and Is fully supported by Microsoft and Docker.

To Install Docker on Windows Server 2016 visit articles below:

In the example below, I’ll show you how I check which ports are on open on my WIN02 container using the command:

Docker port win02

As you can see below, ports 443 and 80 are open

I could also check If ports are open on my Windows Container using:

Docker port win02 3389/tcp

In this case, port 3389 Is closed

And below, I can test port 443 and see that It’s open

You could also use the Docker Inspect command to get more Information about the Container and open ports:

docker inspect win02